Clean, clear, light & bright make first impressions PROFITABLE!
Experts say most people searching for a new home make a decision based on their first impression!
Having Exterior Foresight:
Curb appeal begins with landscaping:
Is the lawn manicured?
Are the flowerbeds or gardens maintained?
Are the hedges trimmed?
Is there any pet waste?
Are the garage doors open?
Tip: A landscaping service may be worth the money when your house is on the market. Also closed garage doors are more appealing. (Click HERE to see our local landscapers & other local vendors!)
Other important considerations of the exterior include cracks in walkways, steps, and walls. Cobwebs, peeling paint, loose shingles on the roof, crumbling caulking in the window frames. These flaws seem minor but make a huge impression.
Tip: DIY projects may not take as long as you think, however hiring a handyman may pay off!
Entryway Considerations:
The impression here is the welcome to your new home! Having coat hooks or a closet that offers room for removing a jacket and hanging an umbrella or any weather gear is important. It is here that the sense of smell is engaged subliminally.
Tip: Declutter, make room for the buyer to envision their stuff in this area. Aromas can be tricky, try not to let them get over-bearing. Cinnamon is an inviting scent that can be diffused.
Interior Aptitudes:
"I can see myself and family living here" is the thought you want the buyer to have! Cleanliness and clutter free areas go a long way with this important impression!
Are the closets, cupboards, and attic neat and orderly? Doors will be open and inspected. Are there dripping faucets or lightbulbs that don't work? Any cracks or damage to plaster or wallboard, broken tiles or ripped wallpaper?
First impressions do matter when you are selling a property!